Saturday, January 28, 2006
Google Clarifies Their Chinese Censoring - Googleblog
This problem could only be resolved by creating a local presence, and this week we did so, by launching, our website for the People's Republic of China. In order to do so, we have agreed to remove certain sensitive information from our search results. We know that many people are upset about this decision, and frankly, we understand their point of view. This wasn't an easy choice, but in the end, we believe the course of action we've chosen will prove to be the right one.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Google - Putting a stop to spyware -
An new coalition aimed at fighting spyware and spyware pushers was announced today. The project called is sponsored by Google, Lenovo and Sun Microsystems. The organizers include Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center, Oxford Internet Institute and Consumer Reports’ Webwatch. The term “badware” is defined on the site as:
a term we use to encompass the broad range of malicious software that is sneaking onto people’s computers, including spyware and deceptive adware. It can subvert your computer for the benefit for a third party, frustrate you with unwanted advertising, and even steal your most personal information.
The site includes a form to tell your spyware or badware horror stories and a form where users can report details about malware/badware. A draft copy of the software guidelines defining badware is available here.
[via- gadioc gadgets]
Tags: spyware, stopbadware
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Mozilla Firefox 2 Roadmap has released the Firefox Roadmap 2. And it says "Firefox 2 will be based on continued development of the Gecko 1.8 branch created for Firefox 1.5. The goal is that Firefox 1.5 and 2 are compatible from a web developer's point of view." Firefox 2 final release is expected around late Q2 /early Q3 2006.
Firefox 2 Feature List Brainstorming is the place for feature planning and discussion in the Mozilla Wiki. It aims to create a single index that lists what sorts of things people are thinking of doing, with links to more detailed ideas about implementation specifics or concerns.
Ben Goodger, who is the lead engineer for Mozilla Firefox and runs the Inside Firefox blog reveals more features and -
"From a development point of view, the idea of Firefox 2 is to deliver significant user experience enhancements on top of a relatively stable rendering engine as significant retooling is done on the main development trunk for what will become Firefox 3, and deliver them in a timely fashion. By being deliberately cautious with our goals for the rendering engine, we hope to avoid long cycles of shake and bake that delayed Firefox 1.5 (which had more substantial Gecko changes than user interface changes)."
Tags: mozilla, firefox
Friday, January 20, 2006
Open federation for Google Talk
Unfortunately, this is not the case with many IM and Internet voice calling services today. You can only talk to people on the particular service you have an account on (so you need an account on every service to talk to everybody, which is pretty cumbersome). With open federation, you get to choose your service provider and you can talk to people on any other federated service (and vice versa).
In addition to the Google Talk service, many other companies, universities, and corporations support open federation today. This means you can now talk to millions of users around the world all with a single account on the service provider of your choice.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Google Mobile Personalized Home >> googleblog
Google Earth in a Mac world (PC too) ->> GoogleBlog
We feel like proud parents around here. Our eldest, Google Earth for the PC, is officially leaving beta status today, and we couldn't be more pleased. For those of you who downloaded early, upgrade to the latest and discover Google Earth all over again.
And we have a brand new member of the family -- Google Earth for Macintosh. We're happy to finally have some good news for the, ahem, vocal Mac enthusiasts we've been hearing from. Let's just say that we have gotten more than a few "requests" for a Mac version of Google Earth.
Useful links:
Gadget Blog
laptop Reviews
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Google launches software Starter Kit-GooglePack

The suite of programs is designed to make it easier to install and maintain basic applications that have helped turn the PC into a hub of information, entertainment and communications. With the initiative, Google is setting out to prove that it is better positioned to help people get the most out of their computers than more-established software makers, particularly Microsoft — the maker of the pervasive Windows operating system.
Six of the programs in the package are owned by Google, which had previously offered all but one on a piecemeal basis. A screensaver that automatically displays pictures stored on a personal computer is being introduced for the first time as part of the “Google Pack.”
[ Read] [via-Gadioc]Tags:google-pack
Sunday, January 01, 2006
A year of Google blogging from googleblog
This is the 201st post to be published on the Google Blog in 2005. In closing out the first full year of our company-wide effort to share news and views, we thought you might be interested in a few factoids. Since we've had Google Analytics running on this blog since June, some of these numbers reflect only half a year. In that time, 4.3 million unique visitors have generated 8.7 million pageviews. Readers have come from all over the world, not just English-speaking countries: 53,001 visitors from Turkey have stopped by, for example; so have 155,691 from France, 29,614 from Thailand and 8,233 from Peru.