Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Who’s Afraid of Google? - Everyone
Of course, Google has always wanted to be more than a search engine. Even in the early days, its ultimate goal was extravagant: to organize the world's information. High-minded as that sounds, Google's ever-expanding agenda has put it on a collision course with nearly every company in the information technology industry:, Comcast, eBay, Yahoo!, even Microsoft
In less than a decade, Google has gone from guerrilla startup to 800-pound gorilla. In some ways, the company is a gentle giant. Whereas Microsoft infamously smothered new and open standards, Google is famous for supporting them. And the firm is softening its image, launching a philanthropic arm,, with nearly $1 billion earmarked for social causes. But that doesn't reduce the fear factor, and Google knows it. Omid Kordestani, the company's global sales guru, said at a recent conference, "We're trying to find ways so we are not viewed as a gorilla." Given its outsize ambitions, that's one search Google might not be able to handle.
Is the sky falling? That's how it looks to panicked tech companies across the Valley as they contend with Google's ever-expanding power and ambition.
Today, Google Video is a motley mix: clips of monkeys performing karate and robot dogs attacking iguanas. Tomorrow? No one knows, but everyone is worried.
Who's threatened: Comcast and other cable providers, Yahoo!, TV networks that still shun the Net
Signs of panic: Comcast wants to be the Google of television. Yahoo! bristles at any mention of Google Video. Networks were stunned to find Google compiling a database of their programs.
Reality check: Google Video is up and running. The question is, How much content can it attract - or pay for - to fill the database. Watch for a strategic acquisition, even something big. TiVo?
When secrecy-obsessed Google let news of "Google Base" slip, it looked like an aggressive entrée into online classifieds. The test service can search ads like used-car and personals listings, which would mesh with Google Local and might even kick-start Orkut, Google's social network.
Who's threatened: Craigslist, eBay, Monster,
Signs of panic: Within hours of the Base bombshell, eBay's market value dropped by almost $2 billion. And even before that, the classified sites were nervous. CareerBuilder and others fretted about letting Google host their feeds.
Reality check: This may be an extension of Froogle rather than a stand-alone product. But it could expand to everything from travel to eBay-like offerings.
Free Wi-Fi in San Francisco, instant-messaging software, a widely anticipated VoIP foray - Google's telecom initiatives seem designed to make life radically easier for users.
Who's threatened: Comcast, SBC, Verizon, Vonage, what's left of AOL
Signs of panic: Surprisingly few so far, partially because Google says it has no plans to offer Wi-Fi beyond San Francisco. Still, Comcast coined the word Comcastic - is that its answer to Googlicious?
Reality check: Something's clearly afoot, and it could be big. With great power comes great regulation - so Google recently opened a DC lobbying shop to combat "centralized control by network operators."
OPERATING SYSTEMSIf anyone can fulfill the dream of turning the Internet into the operating system, it's Google. If the company chooses to develop an OS, the move will cement Google's other initiatives into a powerful whole.
Who's threatened: Apple, Microsoft
Signs of panic: When one of Microsoft's key operating system engineers defected to Google last year, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer threw a chair across an office and vowed to kill Google.
Reality check: The migration of applications from PCs to the Net is already happening - and it's key to Google's future. But the likelihood of a Google OS depends on what Microsoft accomplishes with its new OS, Vista.
What if a search engine trolled not just every page on the Web, but every page in every book? tried it first, then Google said it would "make the full text of all the world's books searchable by anyone.
"Who's threatened: Amazon, Microsoft, book publishers
Signs of panic: Against the interests of a legion of obscure writers, the Authors Guild sued Google. The Association of American Publishers, with more to fear, did the same. Microsoft and Yahoo! have joined a group that's creating its own book search service.
Reality check: Making every book searchable sends a clear signal that Google has the brawn to organize the world's information. But a vicious backlash could drown out that message.
Google joined with Sun Microsystems in October to jointly promote and distribute apps like the Google Toolbar and Sun's free OpenOffice software. Wider distribution of the toolbar, Google's most potent Trojan horse, gives the search engine access to a world of desktops.
Who's threatened: Apple, Corel, Microsoft
Signs of panic: Microsoft launched its own toolbar and protested the decision of the Massachusetts Information Technology Department to dump Office for open source alternatives.
Reality check: It may be a fiendishly clever way to attack one of Microsoft's highest-margin products, but this tactic can't be a top priority. Google Toolbar will thrive without Sun.
Froogle threatens no one yet. But what if, as the development of Google Wallet suggests, Google handled your every online transaction? The potential revenue from Google's cut of each purchase would make AdSense look like AdCents.
Who's threatened: Amazon,, eBay
Signs of panic: After reports speculated that Google might take on PayPal, eBay said it would pay up to $4.1 billion for VoIP rebel Skype. Wall Street's read: With PayPal under fire, eBay needed a new growth area.
Reality check: Rather than take on PayPal directly, the company may start with something less ambitious, like handling payments for premium video content. But after that? Watch out.
Tags: afraid of google, microsoft, eBay, yahoo, amazon
Ofiicial google blogs and New Google Firefox extentions
- Google Blog
- AdWords API
- Blogger Buzz
- Google Blog (Korea)
- Google Code
- Inside AdSense
- Inside AdWords
- Inside Google Sitemaps
- Google Reader
- Google firefox extensions
- Matt Cutts - Good things about search.
- Ah, heck. It's Friday evening, I'm tired and I think I'll just post a link to this nice list from PR Weaver.
Google AdSense for Feeds Beta
NEW YORK - After testing AdSense contextual ad distribution in a handful of RSS feeds over the past few weeks, Google is opening up the beta program to all of its publisher partners. The company made the announcement at the Syndicate conference in Manhattan Tuesday.
"We really want to nurture this market," said Shuman Ghosemajumder, business product manager for AdSense. As we're "getting the business model right for media on the Web in general, it's imperative that advertising be integrated into feeds properly."
Ads placed in Google's AdWords system for contextual distribution will automatically begin appearing on feeds. Though Google recently began testing a feature that would allow advertisers to target by site in its contextual network, advertisers will not yet be able to target their ads by feed or bid separately for feed-distributed ads.
Google's Ghosemajumder said it is too early to tell how ads in RSS feeds will perform.
"For both click-through and conversion rates, it's something that's going to vary from publisher to publisher. It depends on the content and the audience that the particular publisher is attracting," he said. "For the medium overall, we just need to see when we have a larger set of users who are seeing the ads."
The search giant is accepting applications from publishers whose feeds have more than 100 active subscribers. Once they're accepted, publishers paste Google ad code into their RSS feed templates. Text ads are then rendered as graphics -- allowing Google to ensure creative is served at the moment the feed is read, rather than when it is downloaded.
"It's mainly because a very large number of feed readers don't support Javascript," explained Ghosemajumder. "We need to conduct a real time auction process for the advertising and we need to be able to deliver the appropriate ad when a user looks at an article."
Industry-watchers expect the offering to be most attractive to smaller publishers, as larger ones could likely sell the space themselves.
"We're going to start serving little ads in our RSS feeds," said Lincoln Millstein, SVP & director of digital media at Hearst Newspapers. "I don't think we need AdSense to do that."
Google, however, contends that larger publishers are the ones that have the most to gain because they have the largest potential audiences -- and the need to cover the costs of content creation and distribution.
"We anticipate that the product should appeal to anyone that creates a feed," said Ghosemajumder.
The company also makes recommendations for integrating the ads into publishers' feeds. It suggests the placement of one ad unit per post on full-text feeds. Google's ads are targeted by the full text of an article, even if only a headline and tease are fed into RSS.
Publishers who want to participate in the public beta can apply here.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Firefox Referrals now available for international AdSense publishers
International publishers can now refer users to Firefox plus Google Toolbar through the AdSense referrals feature. As you connect your users with Firefox to improve their web browsing experience, you can generate earnings - up to US$1 for each new Firefox user who downloads and runs the product for the first time. To add a Firefox referral button to your site today, visit the 'Referrals' tab in your account.
Many international publishers were upset that AdSense originally restricted it to only US publishers, regardless of where the site's traffic was from. So it is nice to see AdSense make it available to all.
Introduction to Affiliate programs
Well there are literally thousands of ways to earn a living online.
But many of those require things that you and I would never have access to such as, corporate bankrolls, and corporate manpower. I'm just a one-man business and I'm guessing that you are
So with that in mind I am going to show you a very powerful way to make profits online. With this extremely powerful method, your profit making potential is limitless.
-Intro to Affiliate Programs-
I know many of you are making great profits using affiliate programs, but I need to explain what they are and the power they hold so that everybody is on the same level for thenext few lessons.
If you haven't discovered affiliate programs on the Internet yet, you are missing out on an extremely powerful profit-making source.
So what the heck are affiliate programs and how do they work?
Affiliate programs can vary from website to website, but the main idea behind affiliate programs is that a website will pay you for sending them buying customers.
You send people to a website, if they buy something from that website you get a cut of the purchase.
You will usually be paid either a percentage of the sale or a flat rate.
Here is a random list of websites that have affiliate programs. The dollar amount shows how much ONE SINGLE PERSON is earning every month with that affiliate programs.
- $5,000/mo
- $10,000/mo
- $3,000/week
- $8,000/mo
- $18,000/mo
- $50,000/mo
- $5,000/mo
- $15,000/mo
I could go on forever with these amazing figures.
Everywhere you look, people are making massive profits on the Internet. I'm showing you these figures in hopes that you will get excited about affiliate programs. If you can become successful in just one affiliate program, your life will changedramatically.
I personally am an affiliate with at least 40 different affiliate programs. Granted not all affiliate programs you join will be profitable, but if you can get just a few affiliate programs that are profitable, you can make a ton in profits.
Can you imagine working with ten different affiliate programs that convert 5 - 20 sales a day? If you were paid $15 for each sale, that would mean you could be making $22500-$90000 per
Even if you had a bad month and only made one sale everyday for each affiliate, you would still be making over $4500 per month. You may think all of this is outrageous, but trust me;
there are tons of people out there just like you and I that are utilizing affiliate programs on the Internet and making huge profits from them.
How can all this be possible? The Internet of course!!! It's possible to advertise to hundreds of millions of people worldwide with the single click of the mouse button. The Internet is probably the most powerful marketing tool in the history of the world. Best of all anyone can use this powerful marketing tool.
Anyone with a computer and Internet has access to millions of customers worldwide and the opportunity to convert sales on a very largescale.
It is becoming very evident that affiliate programs will have a huge role in the future of the Internet. Billions if not Trillions of dollars are spent through online purchases every year, and thisnumber will continue to increase at an amazing rate.
It is also forecast that within 2-3 years, 50% of all online sales will be made through the help of affiliate programs. You don't have to be good with math to figure out that there is an
enormous opportunity waiting to be tapped.
But don't wait, act now!! Now is the best time to get rolling, if you can establish your self with online affiliate programs now, you will have good positioning to just sit back and watch your profits increase as the Internet continues togrow, which is inevitable.
Now I'm going to tell you the best part about affiliate programs. Once you get everything up and running, you can basically sit back and let the computers and the Internet do everything for you
You can spend as little as 3 hours a week and still bring in well over $5000/month. Affiliate programs are awesome!!
But remember, the more time you spend working, the more income you will make.
Think of it as a business, try to set some hours aside and write out some goals that need to be accomplished every week. Before you know it you will be making much more than you ever
Here are a few more reasons why affiliate programs are so great.
First of all, you don't need your own product. The owner of the affiliate programs will take care of dealing with the customer for you.
They will also collect the payments, shipping and handling of the products, deal with any complaints or questions by customers, they take care of pretty much everything.
The only thing that you have to do is send them customers. When that customer buys, you make a profit. It's as easy and simple as that. Just promote and receive a check.
affiliate program,
Five Days to Success with Google AdWords - Day 1
There is ONE central idea, one key concept that Google wants you
to understand.
If you have this right, Google will literally reward you by giving you
lower prices on clicks, and your customers will reward you by buying
what you have to sell.
If you DON'T have this right, you'll pay way too much for clicks, your
campaigns will get disabled, and your whole Google experience will be
The one thing that matters on Google is relevance.
You might think of this as "message to market match."
This will make complete sense once you understand a bit of
Google's history.
Google started in 1998, after the "big boys" in the search engine
game like Yahoo and AltaVista were well-established.
At the time, few people would have bet that Google would overtake
them all - but in five years they have done exactly that.
What's even more remarkable is they did so without a bunch of hype
and loud marketing. They literally built a better mousetrap and the
world beat a path to their door.
So what happened?
Google's mission in life was to build a search engine that would give
people exactly what they were searching for, as fast as possible. If
you were searching for "California butterflies" they wanted to give you
the very best and most popular California butterfly websites on the very
first page of results.
They developed an amazing mathematical formula for figuring out
who visited websites and why, and using that information in their
search engine.
So.... when they began to sell Pay Per Click advertising, they were
extremely concerned that advertisers also put out messages that were
highly relevant.
Google rewards you for being relevant, and they let people who are
searching vote for you. If your ad gets clicked on, it's relevant. If it
doesn't, it's not. It's that simple.
If you can't get 5 out of 1000 people (0.5%) to click on your ad,
Google disables your ad. The higher your click thru rate, though, the
less you have to pay for the position you want.
So this creates a "Darwinian" effect, a deliberate natural selection
that weeds out bad advertisers and rewards good ones. What's good
for Google's customers is good for Google and good for you.
When all the dust has settled, what really matters is that your ads
and your content be relevant to the keywords you're bidding on. Your
message must match what the person is thinking.
So... what were they really thinking when they typed in "California
butterflies?" That is the question. Figure that out and put it in front of
them, and you'll win on Google. Write an ad that matches exactly what
they're searching for and you'll beat your competitors by a country mile.
Monday, November 28, 2005
MSN AdCenter just launched for the US
It has been long suspected that MSN would eventually jump into the contextual ad game with their own competitive program to Google AdSense. And quotes from Yusuf Mehdi of Microsoft in today's New York Times seem to officially confirm the fact it is a program they are working on in conjunction with their soon-to-be-released AdCenter PPC program.
Microsoft also expects to use its new system to sell ads on other Web sites, just as Yahoo and Google do with their systems.
The article also goes on with specific comments by Mehdi:
He said that once Microsoft had a large number of advertisers and had refined its ad placement formulas, it would be able to compete with Google and Yahoo to sell ads on other Web sites because it would be able to offer higher ad revenue.There is a virtuous cycle in this business, Mr. Mehdi said, because the more sites in an advertising network, the more advertisers are attracted and the higher the potential advertising prices. For Microsoft, running such a network has another benefit - the building of relationships with Web site owners, many of whom are users of its software and online services.
MSN launching their own contextual ad program comes as little surprise to those familiar with the industry. After all, Google generates a significant amount of income from their content network partners and Yahoo launched their own beta program YPN last month. However, if MSN gets plenty of advertisers on board with AdCenter, they have some advantages over both Yahoo & Google.
Because MSN AdCenter will feature options of target ads to particular demographics, including age and gender, this could allow publishers greater flexibility in what ads they show. For instance, I have a few sites targeting female audiences... if I could include this information in the MSN contextual ad platform, these sites could be given higher priority to showing ads that advertisers are targeting female audiences. This combined with other targeting methods could result in high paying ads for publishers and good CTR and ROI for advertisers.
How far away could the MSN contextual ad program be? We probably won't see beta for a while. They not only work out any potential kinks in AdCenter once it starts its US beta in October, but they also need to build up ad inventory as well. When they launch, they will still be using Yahoo ad inventory as well as their own, with plans to have fully replaced Yahoo by the spring.
It will phase in the system in the United States, using its own ads on some pages and ads sold by Yahoo on others, starting in October, said Joseph Doran, MSN's senior director of monetization. The company hopes to replace the Yahoo ads entirely by next spring.
And as the MSN AdCenter US beta will start relatively small as an invite-only beta, it would be very likely that they would do something similar when they do launch a contextual ad program. It could end up being something similar to the limited beta release YPN is currently doing.
So while you won't be able to sign up for an MSN contextual ad program tomorrow, the good news is that it is in the plans of AdCenter to eventually offer their own program to compete with AdSense and YPN. areticle from jensense
Tags:msn contextual ads, msn adcenterAdgenta embed ads in posts, feeds etc
AdGenta is a post-centric advertising system. Post-centric ads appear wherever your post does: your blog, your feed, and search results. Each ad is based on what you think it should be, using keywords you define, not context a computer thinks up.
AdGenta has worked to bring bloggers a wide variety of ads, all keyword-driven, that you can leverage to earn money from your content. To learn more about the power of advertising in blogs.Adgenta & Qumana
Qumana is a free, easy-to-use blog editor that combines powerful WYSIWYG capabilities with easy one-click ad insertion. With Qumana, you can insert AdGenta ads when and where you want. It's that simple.
Qumana works with almost every blog platform, letting you post and cross post your content and your ads, wherever you want. Adgenta offers bloggers and DIY personal publishers more freedom of choice and greater control over how they use online advertising. Qumana: freedom for bloggers.
AdGenta + Qumana: Easy blogging, easy money. To learn more about Qumana, or to download it free, please go hereGetting started with AdGenta is simple. Fill out our easy application form, and in a few minutes you will be ready to insert ads into your blog posts.
Tags:adgenta, qumana, Post centric ads
Animated background ad units in AdSense
I saw these ad units a few days ago on SERoundtable, but I didn't want to draw more undue attention to them. But now SearchEngineJournal and ThreadWatch have both picked it up.
The ad unit is a custom sized ad unit, but instead of a normal static background, these ad units have an animated arrow in the background, drawing a visitor's attention to the ads.
Here is screenshots of how they cycle through with the animated arrow pointing out the ads.
ThreadWatch points out these are "Made by Barry" of SERoundtable, using this image:
There are custom style ad units available to premium publishers and on a very limited case-by-case basis for regular publishers. But since all publishers must receive permission and approval from AdSense for each custom ad style before they put them live on a site, this means that this animated background ad unit style must have received the AdSense stamp of approval.
AdSense has done some testing with images in the background of ad units before, primarily special edition single day runs around holidays, such as the Hallowe'en themed ads and the US Thanksgiving ads. But I have never seen animated background images in ad units before.
What do I think of them? Personally, I am not a fan of this. As an advertiser, I would worry that it would unfairly draw attention to the ads and result in an increase in clicks from that particular site. Depending on the site, I would consider going as far as blocking my ads from appearing on publisher sites that would use this style of ad unit. I suspect publishers would be unhappy to see such unfair attention drawn to ads... after all, it is against the terms to have an animated arrow next to the ads pointing to them.
One of the ads I saw happened to be for, so I asked Aaron Wall how he felt about his ads appearing in this style of ad unit:
I don't like the idea of click incentivizing on ads that I pay for by the click. It can increase ad spend and lower ROI. I don't think it is fair to charge advertisers by the click and then use various techniques that encourage people to click on them.Yes, many people are using various techniques to entice clicks, both tricks that are against the AdSense terms and techniques I think should be disallowed. I would prefer if my ads did not appear on pages that did.
While I did love the themed ad units with images in the background, I do not like animated gifs in the background of ad units. And to keep advertisers opted into the content network, I hope this ad unit style gets pulled quickly by AdSense, even though it did get initially approved.
I do think custom ad units are a good thing for premium publishers and the high end regular publishers that need to utilize custom ad units for specific placement issues. But I think some of the flexibility allowed with custom ad units needs to be trimmed back a bit if publishers are receiving permission to use these kinds of click enticing background images in their custom ad units. If not, it could end up affecting more publishers than just those using it.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
1 Million Dollars In Google Adsense Earnings
And if that number doesn’t wake you up and have you sitting on the edge of your seat, consider for a moment that he reached this level in less than a year. His company only started using AdSense in September 2004.
Calacanis runs Weblogs Inc., a network dedicated to creating trade weblogs across niche industries. And he’s quickly proven that AdSense is a credible advertising partner.
As their network has grown, so has their AdSense revenue. In January 2005 they earned an average of $580 per day. In March it was $737. In May it was $1,585. One day in July, just before he made the blog entry referred to above, they earned $2,335. Remember that is just for one day. If they can take that daily average to $2,740 they’ll be earning a rate of $1 million for a year. And Calacanis predicts that reaching daily earnings of $3,000 or even $5,000 is quite achievable.
That’s quite an achievement. Keep in mind that Calacanis has 103 bloggers on the payroll and nine staffers. Even so, many webmasters would give an arm or a leg to have even a third of that.
Google’s AdSense has been revolutionary. It has become firmly established as the darling of the online advertising industry. Although rumors are heard of major competitors launching a similar service, AdSense’s premier position seems secure for now.
In essence, AdSense has made it possible for almost anyone with a web site or blog to earn some revenue from advertising, without having to employ sales people or spend precious time searching for advertisers.
AdSense works like this. Webmasters sign up for an account in just a few minutes. They receive a small snippet of code to include on their web pages. Google will then automatically serve advertisements that are relevant to the content on the webmaster's pages. When someone visits the webmaster's site and clicks on one of Google's AdSense advertisements, the webmaster earns a fee. Advertisers can pay anywhere from five cents to a hundred dollars per click, and the webmaster receives a percentage of that fee.
Many webmasters are content with earning five to ten dollars from AdSense to cover the cost of web hosting. But many, unsurprising, have higher ambitions. At a popular WebmasterWorld forum, participants share tips and encouragement on reaching a goal of $300 per day from AdSense. So it is no wonder that Calacanis created quite a buzz when he made his million dollar blog entry.
Google have proven once again that they excel at designing innovative Internet services. If you are in the web industry and have not yet used AdSense, then perhaps you should try it out. Or if you are already using it, perhaps Calacanis’ impressive results will encourage you to track the performance of your AdSense units more closely, fine tune their positions and formats, and take your earnings to a new level.
Calacanis’ million dollar blog entry can be viewed at:
Tag: 1 Million Dollars In Google Adsense Earnings
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Onsite Advertising is Goolge new Adsense feature
Onsite Advertiser Sign-up is an extension of Google site targeting that makes it easier for advertisers to bid on your site.
When you use Onsite Advertiser Sign-up, your ad units will display an 'Advertise on this site' link that takes advertisers to an informational landing page with details about your site and the Google AdWords advertising program. Advertisers who sign up through this page will be guided to create an ad targeted specifically to your site, and only your site. When more advertisers create and target ads to your site, you'll benefit from the competition as it drives your potential earnings up.
Your content is valuable. And starting within the next two weeks, advertisers will be able to bid for placement on your site right from your web pages. With Onsite Advertiser Sign-up, a new feature of AdSense, your AdSense ad units will display an 'Advertise on this site' link that takes interested advertisers to a page which you can tailor for your business. On this page they can see your details about your site and the Google AdWords program. Advertisers who sign up for AdWords through this landing page will create an ad automatically targeted to your site, and your site alone. And more advertisers competing to display ads on your site means more revenue for you.Before Onsite Advertiser Sign-up becomes active, we recommend you customize the landing page advertisers will see when they click your 'Advertise on this site' link. Just follow these simple steps to customize the landing page with your logo, color scheme and site description today. You can also view our demo for additional feature information and images.
If you'd prefer not to participate in Onsite Advertiser Sign-up, you can opt out before it starts by visiting the My Account tab.
Empower advertisers to bid for your inventory directly from your pages.
"Advertise on this site" links in your ad units let advertisers know they have the opportunity to place ads on your site, and enable them to act precisely at their moment of interest with the click of a mouse.
When advertisers click on these links, they'll be taken to a landing page from which they can quickly open an AdWords account and create an ad targeting your site. More advertisers competing for your inventory means more revenue for you.
Advertisers signing in through your custom landing page will create site-targeted ads that automatically target your site, and your site alone. As they do with all site-targeted ads, advertisers will bid for your inventory on a pay-per-impression basis, and the ads they create
will compete against all other Google site- and content-targeted ads relevant to your site — which means higher revenues for you.
Technorati Tag: goolge onsite advertising
Monday, November 21, 2005
Link Popularity Software that increase page rank
What is Link Popularity?.
Link popularity is the total number of web sites that link to your site.
Because good link popularity can dramatically increase traffic to your web site. Well placed links are an excellent source of consistent and targeted traffic. And due to recent developments, they can even generate additional search engine traffic to your site.
Most of the major search engines now factor Link Popularity into their relevancy algorithms. As a result, increasing the number of quality, relevant sites which link to your site can actually improve your search engine rankings. There is still no one "secret trick" to getting good rankings, but boosting your site's popularity may give it the edge it needs.
Link Popularity Softwares :
1. OptiLink is a link analysis tool for checking, monitoring, analyzing, predicting, and spying on your competitors' web page links, to reveal how web pages achieved their high search engine rankings, and find Super Affiliates and link exchange partners.
2. Arelis is a link popularity software program for finding and managing reciprocal link partners to increase web site link popularity ratings, which in turn improves search engine rankings.
3. OptiSpider is a website link structure analyzer that spiders a web site, provides a keyword count on every page, records the link text of every internal and external link, analyzes the page topic and link reputation, and summarizes the inbound, outbound, and offsite link counts.
4. PR Prowler is a software program that analyzes top search engine listings for link partners with high Google PageRank values.
for free SEO tools visit
Technorati Tag:link popularity software
The FeedBurner Ad Network
Today we formally announced the FeedBurner Ad Network, another addition to our expanding suite of services for publishers.The ad network was developed to help publishers monetize content and is backed by the trustworthy subscriber statistics we've been providing for years (well, almost years....18 months...well, a little more than 18 months). A handful of early participants are called out in today's press release, including CIO, SmartMoney, BuzzMachine, PC World, Computerworld and the Gawker network to name a few (naming only a few is better because naming the many would result in a list that would leave you thinking "couldn't they have just named a few?")
Publisher Participation
We will continue to take a measured and methodical approach to expanding this service. While the network is geared towards larger, well-subscribed publishers today (500+ subscribers), we're not leaving more targeted publishers behind. This is just our first announcement, we'll have more to talk about in the near future that will include any publisher who wants to jump in. In the meantime, many of our services are specifically designed to help you expand subscriber reach, attract fans and promote your content.
As always, FeedBurner will never do anything to your feed that you haven't explicitly asked us to do. It's your feed. We will soon roll out the tools that will provide a variety of monetization options. Don't want ads? No problem - don't select any of the monetization options. As we have said many times in the past, the free services we provide will remain free, and all of our services are and will always be optional.
Lastly, we know that many of you are gobsmacked by the creativity and subtle wordplay in the name of our ad network. We want you to know it was a close contest between "The FeedBurner Ad Network" and "Adz-n-Such." tag: The FeedBurner Ad Network
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Apple hits 25 million iTunes downloads
Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple said Monday that customers have downloaded a total of 25 million songs from iTunes since April, when the online store opened, with 12 million songs purchased during the past two months alone.
Apple has been widely credited with sparking a boom in sales of downloadable music following the music industry's crackdown on illegal Internet file-swapping services such as Kazaa and Napster. Unlike its no-pay-to-play predecessors, the iTunes service charges 99 cents per song.
iTunes' rapid growth has exceeded some analysts' expectations. "This really underscores the pace at which people are accepting legitimate online music distribution," said Phil Leigh, senior analyst at Inside Digital Media.
iTunes customers download an average of 1.5 million songs from the service per week, said Apple Vice President of Application Marketing Rob Schoeben. Apple expects that customers will download 100 million songs by the first anniversary of iTunes' launch next April.
Apple executives are "blown away" at the rate at which people are purchasing songs at the company's store, Schoeben said. "You normally have a launch spike, and then you see it taper off," Schoeben said. "We're not seeing that. We're adding more and more accounts. We're not seeing people trying it and then going away. What we see in the numbers is that they're getting hooked."
Download thousands of soundtracks on iTunes.
Though Apple makes very little money on song sales, iTunes helps fuel sales of the company's iPod digital music player, Apple executives have said. As of October, the company had sold 1.4 million iPods, and it expects the device to be a popular holiday gift this year. Apple has introduced electronic gift certificates and a section of the iTunes site that showcases holiday music, both of which should further boost holiday-related sales, Apple said.
Sample and subscribe to thousands of free podcasts at the iTunes Music Store.
Apple has a 70 percent share of the legal music download market, and Digital Insight's Leigh predicts iTunes' sales this year will be at least five times that of all the legal competition combined. But competition is expected to grow. In addition to Musicmatch and the recently revived Napster, iTunes rivals may soon include Microsoft and Wal-Mart. Microsoft and digital music services provider Loudeye said on Monday that they're teaming up to help companies create new online music services based on Windows technology.
Technorati Tag:Apple hits 25 million iTunes downloads
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Amazon Beta Tests Product Previews
The feature allows publishers to add some javascript code to the bottom of their pages that makes any text links to Amazon products that appear on the page open up little windows when readers put their cursor over the link. Here’s what the window looks like. It has a product picture, title, price and an option to ‘buy now’ and add the product to your shopping basket.
The window disappears when you take the cursor away.
During the beta test only 50% of readers to sites testing the feature will see the ads - it’s some kind of controlled test.
To participate in the program you just need to be an affiliate as far as I can see - log into the associate’s page and you should be invited to join the beta test.
For More info visit Amazon..
Product previews do all this – and keep visitors on your Web site until they're ready to buy. Product previews are a portal into, directly on your Web site. When users hover over a preview-enhanced link, a small window appears containing valuable content and information about the product you're advertising, including an image, new and used price, average customer review and availability. It also gives your visitors the ability to add the item directly to their shopping cart.
Forty Associates recently added product previews to their Web site as part of a small beta program. During the beta, visitors to Associate sites who viewed a product preview clicked through to nearly 4% of the time. Those clicks resulted in a purchase over 6% of the time.
Blogging tips for beginners
Blogging for beginners tip 1:
Get Started with a blog
There are many options for starting your own Blog, and most of them are FREE.
Below is a list of FREE Blog services:
Blogger - the most popular free Blogging service. Comes with great technical support and an online learning center, including a three-hour video that teaches you everything you ever wanted to know about Blogs and Blogging. eBloggy Blog-City Blog Drive BlogEasy 22 Blog BlogOnTheWeb LiveJournal Angelfire Blog uilder
Blogging for beginners tip 2:
Post your ideas or articles
Whether your blog is of a personal or business nature, add a personal tone when posting. Instead of just listing articles on your blog, write as if you're sitting across from your readers and enjoying a coffee with them.
Tell your readers about what's going on in your business rather than simply advertising to them. Add your own voice which will, in turn, become the new voice of your business. Remember, blogs are interactive. They're a chance for you to reach people in a more personal and impactful way than regular static web pages. Use this to your advantage to build relationships with your readers.
Blogging for beginners tip 2:
Publish you blogs
Publish your blogs to various Blog Directories or Articles directories and get free promoting to your blogs.
Here are few article directories:
Your can find more Resourses here
Best Blog Directory And RSS Submission Sites
Blogging for beginners tip 3:
USe RSS Syndication and get more readers to your blogs
To get the best out of your blog you need to blog regularly.Make a schedule and try to stick to it.It is best to Blog everyday with fresh and rich content to get visitors rushing to your site.Although it is best adviced to blog on a daily basis it should be noted that blogging stale 5 line content will not help you in any way.It is therefore better that you are Blogging 2-3 time a week with new and rich content with properly formatted html. If you are using a script like for blogging make sure that you are pinging sites.This will tell them that your blog has been updated. You may also ping sites manually.Below are the list of sites you can ping :
Blogging for beginners tip 4:
Earn Money from advertising with your blogs
Earn money by adding google adsense ads and eminiMall advertising. Your can also use your affiliate links of amazon and ebay etc. For more useful blogs visit Make money blogging .
Blogging tips for beginners
Blog and Search Engine Optimization tips
Blog and search engine optimization tip 1: Lucrative Keyword Choices
You have a choice. You can target a general high traffic keyword you have little chance of ranking well for and get barely any traffic. Or you can shoot for a keyword that gets a moderate level of targeted traffic resulting in more subscribers and sales. I like to call this a “lucrative keyword”. Whatever you call them, here’s the most important thing: They may not get you the most traffic, but they often bring the most profit.
High Traffic Equals High Sales? Maybe Not
You may be surprised to learn that there isn’t always a correlation between high traffic and high sales. Many of the most profitable sites in the world get moderate traffic because their lucrative keywords result in a much higher ratio of visitors to buyers.
Length of Query is a Factor
A recent article in Information Week stated that the highest conversion rates from search engine traffic comes from people who do four word queries. The great thing about your blog is that it can get so well-indexed that you have the potential to show up for any number of four word phrases that are relevant to your industry.
Target Your Blog
It isn’t just the four word phrases that get converting traffic - there are two and three word phrases that can bring you traffic and sales. Targeting your blog discussion to a two or three word phrase that has a high yield of traffic, and yet has little competition, is not a dream of past Internet days. Another recent study revealed that surprisingly high percentages of search engine queries debuted as late as 2004.As long as there are new developments, new products, services and trends, you’ll never have a shortage of these terms if you learn how to discover them.
Your blog can be set up to repeat the keywords that you want to target just enough times to establish a theme. You can take full advantage of this in your post titles, your category names, the pages URL names, or even a combination of Technorati tags and the text of your permanent links that appear after each post.
Blog and search engine optimization tip 3: Timely Posting
Instead of pinging at 15 minute intervals when your site hasn’t been updated, or even pinging after every single post, you can actually get better results if you update or ping just once during one of three sweet spots in the day. Here’s one that you can use today.Keep Track of Your Stats
Check your web site statistics.if you’re getting spidered every two weeks or even monthly, you can increase your number of spider visits by blogging on the anniversary of the period that the spider comes to your site. It takes a bit of monitoring, but you can often predict when the date of your last spider visit was. An even faster way is to ping at a time when the spider is reading a page that carries your update.
Turn on your site feed(s) and use them to promote your blog. Robin Good’s guide can get you some great one way links.If you sparingly include the lucrative keyword you selected in tip two in your title and description, all those link backs will contain the keyword term you most want attention for, which is often noted by the spiders as they follow the link through to your site.
Once there, if you use these and other tips to skew your blog a little more to the search-engine-friendly side, the synergistic effect is better, more profitable traffic. Frequent blog updates is more important for better search engine optimization.
Tags: blog, search, optimization